
Showing posts from April, 2018

How are Cloud Storage, Cloud Backup, and Cloud Sync Different

How are Cloud Storage, Cloud Backup, and Cloud Sync Different   Tracey Rosenberger    15th Apr 2018     How Things Work     2 Comments  Share  Tweet  Email You hear the words tossed around all the time –  Cloud  storage, Cloud backup, Cloud sync. What are they? Are they different and do you need one? Cloud  storage means an offsite server owned by a hosting company where you store your  data . If you’ve had a personal computer crash, and you lost all your data, you understand how frustrating it is. Cloud storage makes it possible for you to recover your files even if your computer has breathed its last breath. Cloud Storage There are three types of  cloud  storage: public, private, and hybrid. In public cloud storage, global data centers store your data, and you pay based on how much storage you use. This type of storage is best for unstructured data like text, images,  audio , and video files. In other words, the typical file types people use at home. The

Red Hat Server Administration: Yum Server Configuration

Red Hat Linux System Administration Written to help IT professionals get an overview of yum server configuration   Yum Server What is Linux System Administration? Linux system administration is to manage the operations of a computer system. As most computing devices are powered by Linux, it is a really useful post. People having the knowledge of Linux System Administration are tend to be in positions of technical support engineers and consultants in companies. What is a Yum Server? Yum (Yellowdog Update Modifier) is an open source management tool for Red Hat Packet Manager based Linux systems. It allows users and administrators of a system to install, update, remove or search packages easily. Since sometimes it’s a tiring process to resolve all the dependencies of a package, yum comes to help! Yum finds the links of dependencies a package requires and install them automatically while saving the time of users and administrators. If a package gets an update